This is a meme called Meme 2 or as Nick called Multi-Layered Meme(nice name, buddy!).
Let's see the rules:
1. Add your blog/s to the list. Feel free to add all your other blogs. It’s okay if you only post this questions in one blog as long as you answer them.
2. Get back to Me {YEN} and I’ll add your blogs to the master’s list HERE! Note that you are not ALLOWED to change the link of the here.
3. Copy from Start to End.
4. Tag as many friends online you know. But you don’t need to be tag in order to join. Copy these Participants.
Name: Aparecido Jose do Rosario.
Birthdate: September 10.
Birthplace: São Paulo.
Current location: São Paulo's North Zone.
Eye colour: Brown.
Hair colour: Black (almost gray).
Righty or Lefty: I'm Lefty
Your heritage: Portuguese.
The shoes you wore today: Tennis, as always
Your weakness: Women.
Your fears: To die alone!
Your perfect pizza: Muzzarella!
Goal you'd like to achieve in life: To take over the whole world!
Your most overused phrase on AIM: I don't use AIM. I use Messenger and I write Hey are you there.
Your first waking thoughts: I want to sleep a little more ...
Your best physical feature: I'm beautiful and strong man? At least I think this way...
Your most missed memory: .My childhood!
Pepsi or Coke: Coke, of course.
McDonald's or Burger King: I'm addicted to McDonald's!
Single or group dates: Single!
Adidas or Nike: Nike!
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Ice tea.
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate! Chocolate! Chocolate!
Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee
A famous person, dead or alive, would you interview: John Lennon, my eternal idol!
Movie you can watch and say the lines along with the actors: All of the Star Trek movies
Name two of your passions in life: Sleeping and reading comic books .
Least favourite time of the day: The dreaded whole MONDAY! I hate MONDAYS!
Use hairspray or gel: Neither.
Your favorite meal: Lasagna.
Color in the inside of your head when you close your eyes: Black!
Listen to classical music: I hate classical music!
Ever said LOL in real life without think about it: Always.
DOMESTICATED DIVAS: Me and Mine | Creative in Me | For the LOVE of Food | Little Peanut | Pea in a Pod | It’s Where the HEART Is | Around the World | SugarMagnolias | I Am Mommy | All About The Memories | Enchanted Play | Just My Scrap | Whats Up | Simply Me | Kitchen Deelite | A Mothers Horizon | In Depth | A Life in Bloom | Because Life is a Blessing | Digiscraptology | Joys iN life | Life is What we Make it | Photo Blog | Dancing in Midlife Tune | Mommy Talks | Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps | All Kinds of Me Stuff | The Salad Caper | Winding Creek Circle | InkBabyStudios | | All Things Me | Feels Like Home | Because Life Is Fun | Blessings and Beyond | Mommy Earns Money Online | Pinay Mommy Online| Clark & Butchay’s Blog | Butchay’s World | Simply Jen | Jenny Said So | My Online World | My Life in this Wonderful World | Biz-N-Honey | Aeirin’s Collections | My Precious Niche |Eds Mommy Life |Just Me.. Eds | My BIG Picture | Merger Guru | Quicker8 | Insights from the Grocery Cart | MindBubbles| LivingtheHealthyLife | VanityKit | Stripe&Yellow | SomethingPurple| Em’s Detour | Joys iN life | Life is What we Make it | Photo Blog | Dancing in Midlife Tune | Ozzy’s Mom | Me,Myself+2 | Kidd Designs | Fun.Fierce.Fabulous | Tints of My Heart | Morphed | when mom speaks | walk on red | kathycot | buhay misis | kathycot cooks | Posh Post Reviews | Flowersbythewayside |The Fab and The Furious | Blog In to Space | Dancing With Butterflies | Twisted Angel | Pieces of Me | Just Let Go | Blessed Chic | Hobbies and Such | My World in My Own Word | Colorful World of Shiela| The Shopaholic Nightingale | Day to Day Miracles | Can of Thoughts | Designs By Vhiel | Anything and Everything in Between | Vhiel’s Corner | Lovin’ Life | BigMoneyList | Crissy’s Library | Crissy’s Zone | Crissy’s Haven | Vis Vires | Amazingly Me | Jenn Was Here | Shutter Happenings | Le Kulitszie Familie | Embracing Myself | BLOGSILOG |Digiscrapz: Captured Memories |Cherry’s Comfort Zone |Thinking Out Loud |Buzzy Me |Wishing and Hoping |My Blog Portfolio |Get Paid to Blog! |PRC Board Exam Results | Teacher’s Corner | Pinay WAHM | Random Thoughts | Explore Manila | My Colorful World | Bermuda or L.A. | celebrating life | my life is peachy | belly, body and beyond |Woman Style | Scribbles of My Life | In This Game of Life | The Shopaholic in Me | The Callalily Space | Juliana’s Site | A Simple life | Mommy’s Little Corner | Life’s Sweets and Spices | Moms… Check Nyo | Simple Delights | Motherhood in a Nutshell | marshimallows | A Great Pleasure | Ramblings of The Phat | when mom speaks | walk on red | kathycot | buhay misis kathycot cooks | My Random Thoughts | My World | Mom Knows Everything | Tailgaternetwork | Zook Light | Melinda Zook | Me, Myself and I | Stranded Life | iHeartREVIEWS | Lady Banana | A Great Pleasure | Mariuca’s Perfume Gallery | BEING WOMAN | See N Read | The Real Deal, The Real Me | My Virtual Closet | My Views On My So Called Life | Anything Goes! | Chronicles and Tales Unlimited (RED)|YOUR BLOG
Isn't it easy? I'm feeling like a diva!!!! So I'll tag Jaqueline, Du, Max, Juca and Maricel!